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Kasia's, DIVINE LÃ-TAÑIA (Omnific.Kasinuum) 

Is a youthful multidimensional/multimedia aspiring artisit creating in many forms from; painting (in mediums of acrylic,oil,watercolor,ink & pastels), to photography, modeling, making ash/rolling trays, coasters, writing poetry , producing music to freelance therapy & tarot/oracle readings. HINTS* The origin of Omnific- which means all creating being to Kasinuum which is a combination of Kasia's name & continuum, which means in a continuous sequence of something that changes slowly over time like the four seasons. 

Born into a tradiotional family setting originated in Jamaica. Kasia grew up feeling like the black sheep, the one none seemed to understand or ever really tried to. With immense feeling of being a misunderstood outcast. She sought out many ways she could express who she was/is how she felt/feel while providing physical expressions and or representations of her perspective. 

Showcasing how she navigates through her mind, with her endless "Jack of All Trades" skills & hobbies. Which has magnitized attention towards her since her mid-late teens to present. Which inspired her to make creating her full time hustle. 

After selling her first painting for $200 in late 2017 to a loyal follower whom gained an interest in her artwork after seeing her post #wip videos to which he immediately said he'd like to purchase before she was even halfway finished. 

Kasia's most recent painting was s 24"x48"in canvas commissioned by a client, which sold for $2000. 

Kasia aspires to broaden her clientele & fanbase through her creation and business ventures Omnific.Kasinuum. 

The goal is to inspire, intruige and heal others through her creations. She put a vast amount of intense emotions, metaphors, personification and symbolism in her art, that in a sense forces people to think deeper into what is actually being depicted in her creations.